Be a K9 Hero!

Choose one of K9 Hero Packages below. Our K9 Hero Package covers our event costs so 100% of the participant registration fees can go towards reaching our Dog Rescue Benchmark.  

Sponsorship Benefits:

  • Company name as part of the fundraiser title – Dodgeball Tournament Fundraiser, Sponsored by “your company name here”
  • Company name and logo on all marketing materials
  • Company name and logo on website
  • Social Media Shoutout
  • Sponsorship giveaway package:  All participants receive a drawstring bag, water bottle, dog tags, and headband, with your company name/logo on it
  • Banner at event with your company name/logo on it.
  • Thank you plaque with a group photo of the kids and the dog your company helped rescue with their sponsorship
  • (optional with a sponsorship increase) You can even give T-Shirts to the kids for the event, with YOUR COMPANY LOGO on the back!